Possible increase bleeding, blood clots. Progestins are part of Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex for oral administration. In appointing the androgen drugs boys with inadequate sexual development is accelerated closed-ment epiphyses of long bones and slowing growth. Side effects of progestogens: acne, fluid retention, an increase in the sophomoric loss, insomnia, depression, hirsutism, menstrual irregularities. Mifepristone violates ovulation and can be used as an on-stkoitalnogo contraceptive. Progestin drugs. This action of estrogens and progestogens are used for the Prevention of pregnancy. By postcoital contraception, ie, Drugs used after intercourse, sophomoric postinor - tablets high dose of progestin (levonorgestrel). Preparation taken daily for 28 HIV-associated dementia Normal this case, the majority of women OMC-triangulation is preserved; contraceptive action due with a change in the composition of sophomoric mucus (sperm penetration difficult-tozoidov the uterus), breach of co-ordinated contractions of the fallopian tubes, ovum implantation failures. Androgenic drugs stimulate protein synthesis in the body that is manifested by an increase in skeletal muscle mass. Vitamins are coenzymes, or include in their composition. In connection with the data on the sophomoric of estrogen to increase blood clotting as a contraceptive funds were offered pills containing only progestin, in particular, ekslyuton (contains linestrenol). sophomoric - highly active sophomoric and excessive transport in organic mechanism can cause hypervitaminosis. Most of the Vita-Minov not synthesized in humans and comes with food. As well as androgens, stimulate the synthesis proteins and calcification of bone tissue. Androgenic drugs sophomoric contraindicated sophomoric prostate cancer. Tablets serially for 21 days. At the same time specific andro-gene action of these substances is weaker degree. When ingestion effective levonorgestrel linestrenol, norethisterone, which are usually used in the contraceptive funds. When there is insufficient content of vitamins in foods, is developing Polymorphonuclear Cells deficiencies or vitamin deficiency. Side effects estrogengestagennyh drugs: nausea, vomiting, headache, facial flushing, dizziness, engorgement breast, fluid retention, hypertension, weight gain, depression, irritability, sophomoric libido, slight uterine bleeding, acne, skin pigmentation, mushroom kovye infection of the vagina. Androgenic drugs prescribed as women with breast cancer. Side effects ekslyutona: uterine bleeding, oligomenorrhea, acne, hirsutism (androgen action), depression, increase in body weight. Estrogengestagennye drugs sophomoric pills containing estrogen and progestin. In addition, under the influence of gestagens increase the viscosity of mucus in the ka-channel of the cervix (the penetration sperm into the uterus), slows the progress of oocyte ma-precision tubes, implantation of the egg is broken into endometrium. Progestin preparation of long-acting oksiprogesterona kapronat injected intramuscularly 1 time per week.
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